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Virt-A-Mate - HaritoraXを導入 -
HaritoraXが到着して、公式で動作を確認しているVRChat, Cluster, Virtual Motion Captureでの動作確認は済んだ。 ちなみに一緒に使うのはOculus Rift CV1だ。 「Ha
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Virt-A-Mate - Possession Mode -
ここの焼き直し。 本文のコピー
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Possession Mode Possession mode allows the user to take control of the VaM characters' various body nodes. The possible nodes for possession are displayed as green orbs on the character's body when the possession button is selected on the main UI. The HMD and controllers can take control of any possession node. The possibilities are endless! There are many possible configurations for possession, lets explore a few: Head + hand nodes (Default 3) Head node only (for POV) Hand nodes (2) Hip node (1) Example here and here (Credit /u/wadevrx) Head + foot nodes (3) Creating realistic walking motion capture recordings will be easier, more practical and more realistic now that Vive trackers are available. Some examples of this type of set up with three or more node recording can be found here and here To learn the possession basics, watch /u/justlookingfornothin's excellent VaM Tutorial Video #2 starting at 4:00: 6-point Full Body (HMD, Hands, Waist, Feet) Possession Step-by-step Guide Guide written for Valve Index (Head, Left and Right Hands) + 3 Vive Trackers (Left Hip, Left Foot, Right Foot), but other HMDs will follow largely the same process, and of course, if you don't have additional trackers, you'll only be able to possess the head and hands. (6 point only) Set up your Vive Trackers for Left Foot, Right Foot, and Waist in SteamVR. https://i.imgur.com/5Sbonxe.png -> https://i.imgur.com/95bMQDb.png (6 point only) When wearing your Waist Tracker, it doesn't matter whether you wear it on one of your hips or in the middle, since we're going to "link" the tracker to a node in a later step. Whichever location is least blocked by your lighthouses is the best location for you to use. Load VAM and load the default scene. Step 1: HEAD POSSESSION Move so you're looking at the back of the Person, at head height. Select Posess and Align Head from the toolbar. https://i.imgur.com/qW4MnTj.png Point a hand at the green node that appears in or near the Person's head. The name of the node should appear. https://i.imgur.com/RpckS1V.png Press Select when you see a green line attaching to your controller to the head. Your POV will teleport into that location and your rotation will also turn to match the head. Step 2: HAND POSSESSION Look around until you see the Person's hands. https://i.imgur.com/AbdaYoD.png You may need to pivot in place with the trackpad if you weren't lined up - and you'll definitely need to pivot in place in other scenes later where the model isn't looking straight ahead. Move your hands into the green circles you see in the model's wrists. Once you get close, they'll snap to you and now you've got 3-point possession! Have fun looking and touching in VR! You should be able to possess almost any Person after this tutorial. NOTE: Your motion around the scene may be limited, since the lower body parts may be pinned in place in the scene you're in. In other scenes, your body may float along below you. If the Person doesn't follow you, it can be easy to make them 'explode' if you get their geometry too weird and twisted up. https://i.imgur.com/g8CX3P7.jpg NOTE: When possessing a Person in a scene with multiple Persons in close contact, you may find that you Possess and Align Head and when VAM rotates you to match the Person's head alignment, one of your hands grabs one of the possession points for the wrong Person and weird stuff happens. Use the Stop Possessing button and start over, maybe raising your hands above your head to keep them clear of the other Possess points. https://i.imgur.com/3YsKSze.png Step 3: 6+ POINT FULL BODY TRACKING While Possessing Head and Hands... Select Edit Mode. Select (press) Select -> Person -> rFootControl https://i.imgur.com/osND0uO.png On the detail screen... Select Link To Atom = [Camera Control]. Link to = Tracker X - For this, you'll have to experiment. When you've selected the right Tracker, you'll see a green line from the Tracker to the Right Foot. For me, the Right Foot is often (but not always) Tracker 5. https://i.imgur.com/iqz2F5Z.png Once you have the correct tracker selected in the Link To: list, move your right foot to be aligned with the right foot of the Default Person. I wiggle my toes and when I feel like they're wiggling in 'the same place' as the toes of the Person, I know I'm in the right spot. Once you're aligned, select "Physics Link" checkboxes for both Position and Rotation in the Detail Page. Look down and move your foot! Repeat for lFootControl for your Left Foot Tracker. Repeat one more time using HipControl or PelvisControl - you're looking for a longer green line from the tracker on your hip to the control in the Person. NOTE: You may want to check how your body lines up front to back before pressing Select, as most of the time the Person is a little or a lot smaller than you and if you touch your belt buckle, your VAM-hand will be 4-6" in front of your VAM-body. The solution is just like for feet. Move your real hips forward or backward until your VAM-hand and VAM-body match your real hand and body, then press Select. Now you can walk around! Step 4: MASTERCLASS Now that you know how to possess using Possess and Align Head, Two Step Possess (Don't release possessions), and how to connect Physics and Rotation Links to your Vive Trackers the Masterclass is to take these skills and apply them to come up with unique animation possibilities. Feel free to add to the list below! Possess the hands of one Person during Possess and Align Head or Physics + Rotation, then place those hands somewhere on a second Person atom in a scene (say, a shoulder) and connect using Physics and Rotation Links. https://gfycat.com/rashgiftedannashummingbird Applications for possession: Moving / dancing in front of a mirror Motion capture. Motion capture can be recorded in successive layers, creating increasingly complex scenes. Use different configurations to achieve your end result. Possessing one character to virtually interact with another Motion capture with reduced scale (Scene becomes smaller and easier to work with in some circumstances) Reddit VaM Scenes is rich in examples of motion capture animation. A complex example of Motion Capture animation of two possessed characters interacting can be found here (Labeled Main Scene) |
PDF化したファイル guides_possessionmode – VirtAMate – ww
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Virt-A-Mate - Timeline の使い方 (Part S01「Scene Animationの取り込みと複製とReverse」) -
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