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using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using SimpleJSON; using System; using System.IO.Ports; namespace SerialCtrl { public class SerialTrial : MVRScript { // Name of plugin public static string pluginName = "Serial Controller"; // Serial Variables private string[] portNames; private string portSelected = "None"; private string baudSelected = "9600"; protected JSONStorableFloat pulseFreq; private float pulsetime = 1; private string pulsestring = ""; protected UIDynamicButton startbutton; protected UIDynamicButton stopbutton; protected JSONStorableString jstring; protected UIDynamicTextField dtext; protected JSONStorableFloat ThrustX; // Measurement Variables private Atom refObject; // Male person private FreeControllerV3 refObjA; // Penis base private FreeControllerV3 refObjB; // Penis tip private Vector3 refA; // Penis base position private Vector3 refB; // Penis tip position private Vector3 refLine; // Penis reference line private Atom targObject; // Female person private FreeControllerV3 targObjC; // Target point private Vector3 targC; // Target point position private float xTarget; // x-coordinate of target relative to datum private float xMax = -1000f; // x-coordinate of target relative to datum private float xMin = 1000f; // x-coordinate of target relative to datum // Serial Stuff SerialPort serial; // Function to initiate plugin public override void Init() { try { // Check this is the right kind of atom if (containingAtom.type != "Person") { SuperController.LogError($"Plugin must be added to a Person Atom, not '{containingAtom.type}'"); return; } pluginLabelJSON.val = "Serial Controller"; // Select COM Port portNames = System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.GetPortNames(); List<string> comPorts = new List<string>(portNames); //comPorts.Add("None"); //comPorts.Add("Choice1"); //comPorts.Add("Choice2"); //comPorts.Add("Choice3"); JSONStorableStringChooser portChooser = new JSONStorableStringChooser("COM Port Chooser", comPorts, "None", "Select COM port", PortChooserCallback); UIDynamicPopup portChooserPopup = CreatePopup(portChooser, false); portChooserPopup.labelWidth = 300f; // Select Baud Rate List<string> baudRates = new List<string>(); baudRates.Add("9600"); baudRates.Add("19200"); baudRates.Add("38400"); baudRates.Add("74880"); baudRates.Add("115200"); baudRates.Add("230400"); baudRates.Add("250000"); JSONStorableStringChooser baudChooser = new JSONStorableStringChooser("Baud Rate Chooser", baudRates, "9600", "Select baud rate", BaudChooserCallback); UIDynamicPopup baudChooserPopup = CreatePopup(baudChooser, false); baudChooserPopup.labelWidth = 300f; // Serial pulse rate control pulseFreq = new JSONStorableFloat("Serial Pulse Freq (/sec)", 50f, 1f, 100f, true, true); RegisterFloat(pulseFreq); CreateSlider(pulseFreq, false); // Serial buttons startbutton = CreateButton("Start Serial", false); if (startbutton != null) { startbutton.button.onClick.AddListener(StartButtonCallback); } stopbutton = CreateButton("Stop Serial", false); if (stopbutton != null) { stopbutton.button.onClick.AddListener(StopButtonCallback); } // Thrust position ThrustX = new JSONStorableFloat("X Position", 50f, 0f, 100f, true, true); RegisterFloat(ThrustX); CreateSlider(ThrustX, false); jstring = new JSONStorableString("FooString", "Text"); dtext = CreateTextField(jstring, false); // Identify reference points refObject = containingAtom; refObjA = refObject.GetStorableByID("penisBaseControl") as FreeControllerV3; refObjB = refObject.GetStorableByID("penisTipControl") as FreeControllerV3; targObject = SuperController.singleton.GetAtomByUid("Person"); targObjC = targObject.GetStorableByID("hipControl") as FreeControllerV3; } catch (Exception e) { SuperController.LogError("Exception caught: " + e); } } // Update is called with each rendered frame by Unity void Update() { try { refA = refObjA.transform.position; refB = refObjB.transform.position; targC = targObjC.transform.position; refLine = refB-refA; xTarget = Vector3.Dot(refLine,targC-refA); xTarget = xTarget/(refLine.magnitude*refLine.magnitude); if (xTarget > xMax) xMax = xTarget; if (xTarget < xMin) xMin = xTarget; ThrustX.val = 100*(xTarget-xMin)/(xMax-xMin); jstring.val = xMin.ToString("0.00") + " " + xTarget.ToString("0.00") + " " + xMax.ToString("0.00")+ " " + ThrustX.val.ToString("0"); // If serial active if (serial != null && serial.IsOpen) { // Watch for next serial pulse pulsetime -= Time.deltaTime; if (pulsetime <= 0f) { pulsetime = 1/pulseFreq.val; if(serial != null && serial.IsOpen) { SendPulse(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { SuperController.LogError("Exception caught: " + e); } } protected void PortChooserCallback(string s) { portSelected = s; } protected void BaudChooserCallback(string s) { baudSelected = s; } // Serial button functions protected void StartButtonCallback() { StartSerial(); SuperController.LogMessage("Serial connection started: " + portSelected + ", baud " + baudSelected ); } protected void StopButtonCallback() { StopSerial(); SuperController.LogMessage("Serial connection stopped"); } // Function to start serial void StartSerial() { if (portSelected != "None") { serial = new SerialPort(portSelected, Convert.ToInt32(baudSelected)); serial.Open(); serial.ReadTimeout = 10; } } // Function to stop serial void StopSerial() { if(serial != null && serial.IsOpen) serial.Close(); } // Function to send serial void SendPulse() { if (ThrustX.val >= 99f) { pulsestring = "L99"; } else if (ThrustX.val >= 10f) { pulsestring = "L" + string.Format("{0:0}",ThrustX.val); } else if (ThrustX.val >= 1f) { pulsestring = "L0" + string.Format("{0:0}",ThrustX.val); } else { pulsestring = "L00"; } serial.WriteLine(pulsestring); } // Function to close plugin void OnDestroy() { try { StopSerial(); } catch (Exception e) { SuperController.LogError("Exception caught: " + e); } } } } |
- sahara
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- Synthesizer Vの無料版でとにかく最速で何か歌わせてみる。 2025年3月11日